29 MAY / 2024 / 10:11
Travellers cycling from Italy to China have arrived at the Port of Baku
Travellers cycling from Italy to China have arrived at the Port of Baku
The Italian cyclists who started the bicycle campaign called “In the footsteps of Marco Polo” have arrived at the Port of Baku. The travellers participating in the bicycle campaign dedicated to the 7th century anniversary of Marco Polo's death arrived at the Port of Baku yesterday and went to Turkmenistan by boarding a ship from the Ferry Terminal.
It should be noted that the participants of the campaign, which started on April 25, 2024, from Venice, Italy, must reach the final destination, Beijing, by traveling 12,000 km. The participants of the bicycle campaign passing through Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Türkiye, Georgia, and Azerbaijan plan to reach China by also passing through Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.
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